Award-winning eggs. Rieger Eggs for 5 consecutive years at the IPE.
"Happy chickens lay high-quality eggs"
Our chickens can explore 54 acres of rich farmland,
To keep predators, like coyotes and eagles away, we have placed reflectors all over the farm to keep them out and our chickens will be safe.
So far it's working.
Guenter A. Rieger was appointed by the IPE poultry division as Egg Judge in 2015.
Therefore, No eggs of Rieger Farms were shown after 2014.
Guenter would not judge eggs produced at his own farm.

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Judging Exterior Egg Quality Farmers exhibiting their egg in different categories. Eggs are judged for Cleanliness -Egg shape -
Shell texture - Ridges -Shell thickness - Body checks, Uniformity, Color, size, including the interior of the egg.

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We're a diverse family farm, and passionate about producing for over 15 years high-quality Free Range Eggs and Free Run Eggs, and understand that our core farming principles make our Award-winning Rieger Eggs very special.
Locally owned and operated by Guenter & Regina Rieger, Rieger Farms is very proud to be your local food supplier for fresh brown and white eggs. Sustainability, Quality, and Accountability are three things that guide us every day at Rieger Farms. We are committed to providing the best quality of life for our hens.
As a registered egg producer with BC Egg, we are dedicated to offering eggs of consistently high quality, nutrition, and safety. Rieger Farms, also a research farm, over 40 years pesticide-free located in the North Okanagan near Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada.
What makes Rieger Eggs so special? Daily graded, makes Rieger Eggs one of the freshest eggs in town.
Free Run Rieger Eggs
Free Run White Eggs, come from hens NOT housed in cages, lay their eggs in nest boxes, and have free access to both feed and unlimited water,
inside the barn
Free Range Rieger Eggs
Free Range Brown or White Eggs, come from hens NOT housed in cages, lay their eggs in nest boxes, and have free access to both feed and unlimited water, inside and outside the barn.
Free Range Rieger Eggs Plus
Free Range Brown or White Rieger Eggs Plus Eggs that come from free-range hens eat only Organic Feed, without antibiotics, medications, or preservatives. Hens are completely cage-free both inside and outside the barn, roosts, and lay their eggs in nest boxes.
The United Nations issued a report that stated: "Only Small Farmers Can Feed the World" Governments must shift subsidies and research funding from agro-industrial monoculture to small farmers using ‘agroecology [permaculture]' methods. Read more. What is a Regenerative Society?
A Regenerative Society meets the needs of humans and all living systems through the practices and principles found in Permaculture Low Impact Sustainable Development.
The United Nations issued a report that stated: "Only Small Farmers Can Feed the World" Governments must shift subsidies and research funding from agro-industrial monoculture to small farmers using ‘agroecology [permaculture]' methods. Read more A.N.G.E.L. IGO FOUNDATION and Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) is a 501(A) international tax-exempt non-profit charitable foundation. Our mission is to build collaboration between member states for the purpose of implementing new systems, structures, and technologies that promote regenerative and sustainable practices. A.N.G.E.L. addresses human rights issues and advocacy for children, women, and families globally through system-based holistic. Diplomats representing A.N.G.E.L IGO. worldwide in various capacities
A Regenerative Society meets the needs of humans and all living systems through the practices and principles found in Permaculture Low Impact Sustainable Development.
The United Nations issued a report that stated: "Only Small Farmers Can Feed the World" Governments must shift subsidies and research funding from agro-industrial monoculture to small farmers using ‘agroecology [permaculture]' methods. Read more A.N.G.E.L. IGO FOUNDATION and Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) is a 501(A) international tax-exempt non-profit charitable foundation. Our mission is to build collaboration between member states for the purpose of implementing new systems, structures, and technologies that promote regenerative and sustainable practices. A.N.G.E.L. addresses human rights issues and advocacy for children, women, and families globally through system-based holistic. Diplomats representing A.N.G.E.L IGO. worldwide in various capacities
Backyard Chicken Seminar
Who should attend? If you would like to raise your own chickens, have your own eggs, or be a customer who would like to know more about chickens and eggs, etc. That's the seminar for you. TOPICS INCLUDE The Basics-Feeding, Care & Housing of ChickensBiosecurity of the BackyardFlock Common Infectious Diseases of ChickensRaising Chickens the Natural WayEgg Handling & Understanding Salmonella. Guenter is operating with his wife Regina, Rieger Farms, and has many years of experience raising chickens and layers. Guenter Rieger a retired research engineer, who is passionate about organic farming and permaculture, is sharing his knowledge and experience as an egg producer to keep your birds healthy and happy..
Why do we do grade e Grade requirements are set for eggs to protect the consuming public from undue risk. In grading eggs, the factors of interior quality, weight, cleanliness, and shell construction are considered. These factors are related to safety, wholesomeness, and quality. Eggs are graded in a registered egg station to ensure they are handled and packed in a sanitary environment. Read more Regulations in place to protect consumers require that grading stations that are graded as Canada A (consumer-grade eggs) must be clean and free of leaks, cracks, or other defects that could present food safety problems.
Contact info:Rieger FarmsP.O. Box 204Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0info@riegerfarms.comwww.RiegerFarms.com250 546 6059
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